Sunday, 30 June 2013

Basic Things You Can Do To Help Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Basic Breast cancer prevention begins with learning to have healthy habits — Small measures that you may take like lowering the amount of the alcoholic beverages you consume and increasing the amount of physical activity that you have can have an impact on lowering your risk. If you, like many other women and men are concerned that you may one day develop breast cancer, are trying to figure out if there is anything that you can do to lower your risk of getting this disease you have to realize that the lifestyle choices you make may affect your risk of developing breast cancer. There are things that you can do to keep yourself healthy and lower your risk. So what exactly can I do to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer? Breast cancer prevention starts with multiple factors Reduce your alcohol consumption. One thing that we have learned is that the more alcoholic beverages that you consume, the greater the risk of the development of breast cancer. If you do choose to drink and alcoholic beverages, such as wine, beer or hard liquors, try to limit yourself to an average of no more than one a day. Try to take lose weight. Another thing that studies have shown is that being obese seems to increases the risk of developing breast cancer. This seems to have the most effect later in life, especially after menopause. Make sure to get as much physical activity as you can. Recent studies have shown that people becoming physically active almost always maintain a healthier weight, which can help you prevent breast cancer. The D.H.H.S. recommends that healthy adults get at a minimum of 150 minutes per week of basic aerobic activity. They also suggest on some strength training like lifting light weights. If you are just beginning your exercise routines start off slow, then gradually increase as you feel comfortable. Many people make the mistake of trying to go too hard too fast which in turn makes them quit the exercise routine all together. If you are a mom you want to breast feed. Studies are still being done on this but early signs are showing that breast-feeding may play a great role in breast cancer prevention. The studies are starting to show that the longer that a mother breast-feeds, the greater that the protective effect may be. If you are using hormone therapy you might want to stop. We have now learned that most of the long term combination hormone therapies do increase the risk of you developing breast cancer. Many women now take hormone therapy for the symptoms that are from menopause. We suggest that you speak with your doctor in order to switch to an alternative. There are ways to manage the symptoms of menopause without the use of hormonal therapy. It is up to you and your doctor to decide if the benefits of short term hormonal therapy are right for you. But we want you to think about using the absolute lowest dose for your menopausal symptoms. We also suggest that you talk with your doctor about only using it for a short time. These few tips can help you with breast cancer prevention although there is no guarantee. If you want to reduce your risks of developing breast cancer than you should take these prevention measures into consideration not just for you but for your loved ones.

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